Welcome to the KOTESOL Forums!

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Robert_J_Dickey's picture
Welcome to the KOTESOL Forums!

In the forums, all users are identified by their official logins (account IDs).  That is, in essence, pretty much a "real-name" system.

If you manage to change your account IDs, our administrators will change it back and send a warning. And with the change, all your previous posts will be re-tagged to the now-current ID. Ultimately a user could be denied forum privileges for failure to observe this basic rule: Please respect our real-name system, as it is designed to reflect the laws of our host country!

Forum rules will be established, and like any other forum, rules will evolve to meet new eventualities.  But for starters - Let's Play Nice!

Only current KOTESOL members may post on the forums, and so you must be logged-in to post. However, these posts may be seen by non-members who are not logged in to the website.

As time goes by, new specialized forums will be created. Feel free to send suggestions to


David_Shaffer's picture
The KOTESOL Forums

I welcome the addition of the KOTESOL Forums to the KOTESOL website. In addition to facilitating exchange on KOTESOL and ELT topics, they should serve to draw more eyes to the KOTESOL website and therefore keep members and non-members alike better informed about what is happening in world of KOTESOL and in the ELT universe.