Reflective Practice SIG: 10-Week Journaling Challenge

Monday, May 1, 2023 - 19:00 to Wednesday, July 5, 2023 - 19:00
South Korea

Journaling. It’s a habit that dates back centuries. There are many benefits, with focus and clarity being valuable outcomes. For ELT instructors, journaling is a great way to hone our observation skills, explore the teaching/learning process, and define problems/reflect on solutions.

Join the Reflective Practice Special Interest Group in May as we embark on a 10-week journaling challenge. Weekly reflection prompts will be provided for the group to get us started. And to sustain the project and maintain motivation, we will also meet online for discussions.

It’s time to level up your professional development journey, so join our RP community!

Because we are teachers helping teachers, there are also leadership opportunities available.

Week 1 prompts are posted on the RP SIG page!


Here's the tentative plan:

Week 1: Teacher Identity

Week 2: Learners

Week 3: Teacher Gratitude

Week 4: Teacher Beliefs

Week 5: Classroom Management

Week 6: Changes

Week 7: Investigate Your Practice

Week 8: Investigate Your Practice

Week 9: Evaluation and Feedback

Week 10: Reflection on Reflection