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Test Form

This is the Form Header

It appears only once at the beginninng of the form, it is edited under the "Edit" tab. It should not be confused with a "Markup" field which looks simular. 

Webform Capabilities

This is a test and demonstration web-form. 

The following form is intended as an outline and to demonstrate some of the things that can be accomplished using a web-form. It also provides Techcomm with a platform to test various options, setups, settings and capabilities of the KOTESOL form system. 

All data input fields can be set to "Required".  Required fields are designated by a red asterisk (star) at the end of the field name.

To see an example of collected form data, please fill out the form completely (not the file upload fields) and submit the form.  You will receive an e-mail message with your input information submitted to this form. 

Almost all fields will accept system [tokens] as default input with data pulled from various items within the KOTESOL website and system.  e.g. users first name, users last name, users email address, system time/date, Site information, Store information, etc.

Fieldsets and Form Conditionals DO NOT work properly in this website, they should not be used.