Multiple Ways to Make Your Students Smart Through Multiple Intelligences

Saturday, March 8, 2014 - 13:00 to 15:00
Kangnam University; Insakwon(인 사관) Building Room 219 (SEE THE MAP AND PICTURE BELOW) Yongin, Gyeonggi-do
South Korea
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Whenever we teach our students, sometimes teachers and students alike feel frustrated and uncertain on how to have a solid learning outcome for English language learning to function properly. Some students progress well in learning while others seem to struggle and get frustrated. Through using Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences, teachers can expand their teaching repertoire by developing their lessons to reach out to various learners of various abilities, personalities, and teaching/learning preferfences. I will explain each of the following intelligences (logical/analytical, linguistic, musical, spatial, kinesthetic (bodily), interpersonal, intrapersonal, existential, and naturalistic). In addition, I will guide audience members on how to use this theory through a demonstartion lesson to see how the theory is used in context.


Robert M. Kim is a second generation Korean-American who is currently tecahing at Kyonggi University (Suwon Campus). He has extensive expereince teaching English lanaguge learners in both the United States and Korea. Robet has an MS TESOL degree from Hofstra University and a BA history degree and an MA liberal studies degree from SUNY Stony Brook University.