Daegu-Gyeongbuk KOTESOL April Workshop

Saturday, April 6, 2019 - 15:00 to 17:00
Ecology Oriental Wellness Experience Center (2F Conference Room)
Namseong-ro 24 Jung-gu
South Korea
Contact Phone: 

Attention Daegu-Gyeongbuk KOTESOL faithful: We are meeting on the first Saturday of April - the 6th. Current members and non-members alike are invited! Feel free to bring a friend and invite your colleagues, too.

About us: The Daegu-Gyeongbuk Chapter of Korea TESOL serves the ELT community in Daegu and the greater Gyeongsangbuk-do area with monthly meetings to share information about English language teaching, engage in professional development, and to socialize with like-minded folks.

Date:     Saturday, Apr 6, 2019
Time:    3:00pm – 5:00pm
Venue:  Downtown Daegu.   

Ecology Oriental Wellness Experience Center

(On Oriental Medicine Street – behind Hyundai Department Store)

Namseong-ro 24


대구광역시 중구 남성로 24

Ph) 053-422-9651


From Banwoldang Subway Station, walk through the underground and take the escalator to the left in front of Hyundai Department Store (HDS), Exit 18.   Do not enter HDS.

Walk across the front of HDS and turn right.  Head to the front corner of Sh Bank (수협 은행), behind HDS.   Daegu Oriental Medicine Street is there, turn left.  You can find our meetings at The Ecology Oriental Wellness Experience Center, Namseong-ro 24.  It is directly across the street from the First Presbyterian Church of Daegu and the Oriental Medicine Museum.

Go down the flat stone sidewalk to the back of the building.  Then walk up the outdoor steps to the second floor conference room.  There is a Da Hyang coffee/tea shop on the first floor.



Meet’ n’ greet new friends and old. New friends: Tell us about yourself and your interests!


April Workshop Presenter:  Kenneth Cahall

Kenneth Cahall Bio

Kenneth Cahall is a self-published poet collagist currently employed as a Guide to English at Daegu University, Gyeongsan. His most recent professional accomplishment is designing, publishing and maintaining two websites showcasing his works of poetry slide presentation collage. A fan of KOTESOL, Kenneth attends events regularly and has participated by performing original works of pecha kucha and poetry. His educational accomplishments are an AA in Liberal Arts, a BS in Social Science, an MA in Education and a TESOL certificate.

Workshop:  Slide Presentations Anonymous 

Daily, six million teachers use PowerPoint presentations to teach. Slide projectors and projection screens with computers attached have become ubiquitous in most classrooms. The use of slide presentations in the classroom has become an accepted addiction that educators- including this presenter- find it difficult to break free of. As the world moves technologically toward smaller hand-held devices and more students walk into class carrying their own computer, isn’t it time to break this addiction? Are there better- higher tech or lower tech- methods we can use to present information that do not require the computer, slide projector and screen? Do we even need slide presentations in class? Does using them increase student retention or detract from it? Does their use constitute visual learning? These are the considerations we will explore in this interactive presentation.

5PM – KOTESOL Social Event nearby (Brewer's Brothers, Etoh's, Indian, or Galbi - TBA). Everyone pays for their own food and beverage.

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