Research & AI Panel Discussion

Wednesday, February 7, 2024 - 19:30 to 21:30
South Korea

Research and AI Panel Discussion

An online panel discussion on research strategies in ELT, statistics and quantitative research, AI and coding in education, and the future of research and pedagogy in ELT with AI.


This panel discussion brings together ELT experts in research and education. Our panelists will discuss the evolving roles of statistics and quantitative research methods, examine the impact of AI on research and language teaching methodologies, and touch on the integration of coding and AI into ELT pedagogy and curricula. The session aims at what future trends researchers and educators should anticipate. Join us for an exploration of ELT innovation.


Colin W. Campbell is an assistant professor in the department of English language and literature at Dongguk University in Seoul, South Korea. He has a Ph.D. from Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho, USA. He is on the board of reviewers at the Scopus-indexed  journal TESL-EJ. His research focuses on best practice methods for teaching undergraduate ESL/EFL academic writing, in both face-to-face and online environments.

Ryan Hatcher is a general education assistant professor at Hannam University in Daejeon, South Korea. He received a bachelor's degree from James Cook University and a master's degree from the University of South Australia, and has been working on his Ph.D. He has been in his current job at Hannam University for the last ten years. He is interested in teachers' use of technology and the resources teachers use to teach language skills.

Daniel Bailey holds a Ph.D. in education technology from Korea University and works as an associate professor at Konkuk University's department of English language culture. He is a graduate committee member for Austin Peay State University and a member of Prince Sultan University's applied linguistics lab and education research lab. He is a passionate teacher who cares deeply about helping students stay motivated and connected. Daniel's pedagogical interests lie in technology-rich curriculum development. His research interests pertain to motivation psychology, learning technology, learning metrics, formative assessment, and VR/AR-assisted  learning. In addition to these research interests, Daniel regularly publishes on topics related to online comunication and multimedia-assisted language learning.


Rhea L. Metituk is an assistant professor at Myongji University in Seoul. She has a BA in psychology and an MA in English education with a concentration on writing and digital media. Rhea has presented in Korea, Japan, and Malaysia, and her interests include digital media, psychology, metacognition, and 21st century skills. Rhea was co-founder of the KOTESOL environmental justice and the KOTESOL women and gender equality SIGS [special interest groups] and is currently serving as president of the Seoul KOTESOL chapter and the 2024 KOTESOL international conference co-chair.